I Summary & terminology

Appendix I — Summary & terminology

The Dummy Universe = The solar system is a remarkably complex yet balanced system. Despite this complexity, its primary movements can be modelled by simulating just two interacting forces: Axial precession, which moves clockwise, and Inclination precession, which moves counter clockwise. A theoretical model, 'The Dummy Universe,' explores these forces in detail, offering insight into the dynamic equilibrium governing our solar system and its impact on our Earth.

CENTER = The point our Earth and the HELION POINT are both orbiting in opposite directions. I do not know if it is a PHYSICAL or a GRAVITATIONAL point. This CENTER point is however at a fixed distance of 408,251.23 km from Earth.

Earth Axial Precession Orbit (EAPO) = The clockwise circular path the Earth travels in 23,520 years around the CENTER which results in the visible precession wobble aka “Axial Precession” which will move Earth axial tilt compared to the Ecliptic up and down by ~1.2727°. Currently in year 2000 AD Earth’s axis is pointing to Polaris but e.g. in year ~2500 BC it was pointing to Thuban.

HELION POINT = The point the Sun is orbiting around at a current (J2000) distance of 149,597,870.698828 km. I do not know if it is a PHYSICAL or a GRAVITATIONAL point. This HELION POINT is however at a fixed distance of 2,101,643.64 km compared to the CENTER.

Sun Inclination Precession Orbit (SIPO) = The counter clockwise circular path the HELION POINT travels in 101,920 Years resulting in the “Inclination Precession” which will move Earth inclination tilt compared to the Ecliptic up and down by ~1.2727°.

Precession = “precession” is generally known as “backwards drift” because the term is most commonly used in “precession of the equinoxes”. What is confusing is that sometimes precession is also “forward drifting” (in case of apsidal precession). In both cases it is a moving factor. In this book I only make a distinction between Axial Precession (BACKWARD in time) and Inclination Precession (FORWARD in time) as the drivers of all currently known precession movements.

Axial Precession = Also popularly known as “precession of the equinoxes” caused by the EAPO. The age-old phenomenon whereby the equatorial point (Earth tilted 0° compared to the ecliptic plane around 21 March and 22 September) moves westward (BACKWARD) through the twelve zodiacal signs in a period of 23,520 years (currently experienced ~25,771 years) and resulting in an axial tilt cyclic movement of 38,220 years (currently experienced ~41,000 years) because the HELION POINT is moving in opposite direction this 38,220 year cycle occurs.

Inclination Precession = New term for what is currently called “apsidal precession” / “precession of the ecliptic” caused by the SIPO. The Sun’s inclination precession slowly increases Earth’s argument of periapsis and it takes 101,920 years (currently experienced ~112,000 years) to revolve once relative to the ICRF and 61,152 years (currently experienced ~70,000 years) against the ecliptic. This motion is FORWARD.

Perihelion Precession Cycle = Since Axial and Inclination precession are moving in opposite direction, they meet each other every 19,110 years which is the reason of the length of the anomalistic year. This is a consequence of the two contrary precession movements (plus and minus) and not a driver on itself. In year 2000 AD the Sun has its calculated perihelion point (closest to earth) on 2nd of January 23:03 UTC and it’s aphelion point (furthest to earth) on 4th of July 08:09 UTC. These points are moving to FORWARD in time in the 19,110 years cycle (currently experienced ~21,000 years). This movement is responsible for the Obliquity change we experience on Earth in a cycle of 38,220 years (currently experienced ~42,000 years) which means two Perihelion precession periods.

Movements against Ecliptic = Movements compared to the path of the Sun. This is how we experience all precession movements on Earth.

Movements against ICRF = Movements compared to the fixed stars. This is how someone who looks at the total solar system relative to the fixed stars would observe all precession movements.

Inclination Tilt = Current experienced value on 21 June 12:00 UTC was ~1.57869°. The real MEAN value of the Inclination Tilt is ~1.2727° and oscillating by ~1.2727° (above and below) so from 0 to ~2.5454°.

Axial Tilt = Current experienced value on 21 June 12:00 UTC was 23°26′21″ (23.4392298806°). The real MEAN value of the Axial Tilt is ~23.29055° and oscillating by ~1.2727° (above and below) so from ~22.01785° to ~24.56325°. Since the Axial Tilt and Inclination Tilt work upon each other, this experienced ~23.44° does not only contain the axial tilt factor but also contains the inclination-tilt factor. The current Axial Tilt value is actually ~23.133241° so ~0.305989° below the experienced axial tilt which is due to the inclination tilt above the mean value of the inclination tilt (0.305989°+ 1.2727° = 1.57869°).

Obliquity = The total result of the Axial and Inclination Tilt resulting in the experienced Axial Tilt compared the Sun path. In 2000, 21 June 12:00 UTC the Earth's experienced axial tilt was 23°26′21″ (23.4392298806°), and this will oscillate in a period of 305,760 years between ~20.74515° and ~25.83595° resulting in the changes in Earth’s climate in a 305,760 years cycle.

Great Year = 23,520 years = the full time period for the Earth to complete one EAPO. This old term of the Axial precession (precession of the equinoxes) is related to Plato and can be seen as a popular term for Axial Precession.

Great-Great-Year = 305,760 years = the full time period of 13 EAPO (Axial Precession) or 3 SIPO (Inclination Precession) to meet each other again which results in the cycle restart. This period shows on historic temperature/ CO2 graphs as measured on e.g. Antarctica.

Solar Year = also known as “Tropical year”. The time it takes for Sun to complete one full orbit around Earth, returning to the same position relative to Earth. In simpler terms, it's the time between two spring equinoxes (when day and night are roughly equal). A MEAN time period equal to 365.242229199372 days per year (6,979,779 solar days in 19,110 years) with an mean length of day of 86,399.6680429597 SI seconds. The CURRENT value of the Solar year is 365.242189609663 days (~31,556,925.1822749 seconds based upon 86,400 seconds/ day). The Solar year in seconds is currently calculated against the fixed 86,400 seconds a day but this length if day value is fluctuating not only within the year but across the ages so not correctly defined.

Sidereal Year = The time required the Sun takes to return to the same fixed star – as viewed from the Earth, a MEAN time period equal to ~31,558,149.116137 seconds a year. The CURRENT value of the sidereal year is 31,558,149.7180142 seconds a year which is 365.256362477016 days a year (based upon 86,400 seconds/ day), which is ~1224.54 seconds longer than the current Solar year but fluctuating across the ages.

Anomalistic Year = The time required the HELION POINT takes to return to the same fixed star – as viewed from the Earth, a MEAN time period equal to 365.261342822754 days (~31,558,458.7688116 seconds a year). This value is directly related to 19,110 year Perihelion precession cycle. The J2000 value is 365.259633294917 days (~31,558,432.3166809 seconds a year based upon the wrongly defined fixed 86,400 seconds/ day).

Solar day = The solar day is the time it takes for the Sun to return to the same position in the sky, from one noon to the next. In simpler terms, it's the length of time between two successive moments when the Sun is directly overhead. On average, a solar day lasts about 24 hours—this is the basis for how we set our clocks and structure our daily lives. Currently, the length of a solar day is slightly longer than 86,400 SI seconds (86,400.003068744 SI seconds a day). However, this value fluctuates both within a single year and over long periods. As a result, leap seconds are occasionally added to ensure the solar day remains aligned with the 86,400-second standard. These adjustments help track the difference between the time experienced on Earth (Universal Time, UT) and the fixed standard (Terrestrial Time, TT). This difference is known as Delta T (ΔT)]( (opens in a new tab). The MEAN value of the solar day over long periods of time is 86,399.6680429597 SI seconds.

Sidereal day = The sidereal day is the sidereal rotation period of Earth measured relative to the moving vernal equinox. The vernal equinoxes moves because of Axial precession (a.k.a. precession of the equinoxes). The sidereal day is connected to the solar day and the solar year. The CURRENT value is ~86,164.0905323003 SI seconds with WRONG LOD fixed and 86,164.0935926653 SI seconds with REAL LOD. This value is fluctuating across time in the same way the length of day is fluctuating (opens in a new tab). The MEAN value in REAL LOD is 86,163.7595071477 seconds (resulting in a mean solar day of 86,399.6680429597 seconds) which is Earth’s MEAN rotation period.

Stellar day = The stellar day is the sidereal rotation period of Earth relative to the fixed inertial frame of background stars. The time that it take for the earth to rotate 360 degrees relative to distant "fixed" stars. The period is measured as the Earth Rotation Angle (ERA). formerly the stellar angle. An increase of 360° in the ERA is a full rotation of the Earth. The stellar day is directly connected to the Nominal Angular Velocity which is consistent with the definition of the Nominal Angular velocity (ΩN) of Earth. ΩN is however the reference angular velocity corresponding to the epoch 1820. The value is set to 86,164.0989036905 seconds. The length of a Stellar day is therefore an ARTIFICIALLY constructed value. We can get rid of this term and value.

True Sidereal day = The true sidereal day is the replacement of the stellar day. It’s the true sidereal rotation period of Earth relative to the fixed inertial frame of background stars. The time that it take for the earth to rotate 360 degrees relative to distant "fixed" stars. The value is NOT EXPERIENCED, because Earth is moving a bit on its orbit around CENTER and therefore not measurable but derived. The true sidereal day is connected to the sidereal year and therefore the proposed term should reflect the True Sidereal connection. The CURRENT value is 9.128534875 SI milliseconds longer than the sidereal day which would mean the True Sidereal day is 86,164.0996608351 (based upon the wrongly defined fixed 86,400 seconds/ day). This value is fluctuating across time in the same way the length of day is fluctuating (opens in a new tab). The MEAN value is 86,163.7695098871 seconds.

Nominal Angular Velocity = The nominal angular velocity (ΩN) refers to the idealized or standardized rotation rate used for practical timekeeping and calculations. It assumes a perfectly consistent rotation without accounting for minor fluctuations. ΩN is however the reference angular velocity corresponding to the epoch 1820. The value is therefore directly connected to the artificially chosen length of a stellar day. The nominal angular velocity is often taken as approximately 7.2921151467064 × 10^-5 radians per second which is the value consistent with the Ratio mean solar day/stellar day (1.002 737 811 911 354 48). See useful constants (opens in a new tab). It is an ARTIFICIAL value.

Mean Angular Velocity = The mean angular velocity of Earth represents the average rate at which Earth rotates over a long period. This value discards the slight variations in Earth's rotation speed over time. The mean angular velocity of Earth's rotation about its axis is 7.29214387013646 × 10^-5 radians per second. The mean angular velocity is typically expressed with greater precision to account for observed variations, while the nominal value is a simplified version. The mean value is directly related to the MEAN length of the solar day and MEAN length of the sidereal day (which is Earth’s MEAN rotation period).

Wobble = The terminology used by Copernicus to describe the apparent movement of the Earth in the phenomenon known as the “Precession of the Equinoxes”. This movement is replaced by Earth orbiting the CENTER in its Earth Axial Precession Orbit (EAPO).

Zodiac = The apparent path our Sun travels across the celestial sphere over the course of the year through the 12 constellations.

AU = Astronomical Unit = Average Earth-Sun distance = CURRENTLY (J2000) 149,597,870.698828 km which is the distance of HELION POINT to the Sun. This value is fluctuating across time with a MEAN value of 149,597,857.32 km from the HELION POINT to Sun.

ECU = Earth-CENTER Unit = New term which defines the average Earth distance to the CENTER = 408,251.23 km. 408,251.23 km * 366.256388272395 = 149,597,870.698828 km. The CENTER is currently beneath the ecliptic plane.

HPU = HELION POINT Unit = New term which defines the average distance of HELION POINT to the CENTER = 2,101,643.64 km.

Eccentricity = the orbital eccentricity of an astronomical object is a dimensionless parameter that determines the amount by which its orbit around another body deviates from a perfect circle. The eccentricity is therefore determined as the distance certain orbits have related to each other. The eccentricity has a cycle similar to the 19,110 year Perihelion precession cycle. The maximum eccentricity in this period is 2,101,643.64 km (HPU) + 408,251.23 (ECU) = 2,510,094.86 km which is ~0.01677895 AU. The minimum eccentricity in this Perihelion precession period is 2,101,643.64 km (HPU) - 408,251.23 km (ECU) = 1,693,192.41 km which is ~0.01131829 AU. The Sun has a current (2000 AD) eccentricity of ~0.0167089 AU according to the formula provided by Eccentricity time series, Nautical Almanac, 1974, page 98 (opens in a new tab) for which NASA defined a value of 0.01671022 AU for J2000. So the HELION POINT is currently at a distance of 149,597,870.698828 km * 0.0167089 to Earth. This is a value between the max eccentricity and min eccentricity values as calculated above.

Tychosium = The interactive part of the Dummy Universe is based upon the Tychosium software as created by software developer Patrik Holmqvist. This model is however not affiliated with TYCHOSIUM or its authors in any way. You can check all movements as described in this book in 3D for yourself. In contrary to all known heliocentric models – which are just based upon some measurement in time and predictions about the movement in between - the Tychosium software is programed only once and will keep on running perpetually.

RA = Right Ascension = used in astronomy as the celestial equivalent of terrestrial longitude.

DECL = Declination = used in astronomy as the celestial equivalent of terrestrial latitude.

360° = 1 296 000 arcseconds = 1440 minutes (our celestial sphere) = 24 hours = 100% of 1 circle or revolution. The sky can be divided into a number of degrees, arcseconds, minutes or hours of RA.

March equinox = In the Northern Hemisphere, the March equinox is called the vernal or spring equinox. In the Southern Hemisphere, the reverse is true. That’s why March equinox is preferred over vernal equinox.

September equinox = In the Northern Hemisphere, the September equinox is called the autumnal or fall equinox. In the Southern Hemisphere, the reverse is true. That’s why September equinox is preferred over autumnal equinox.

June Solstice = In the Northern Hemisphere, the June solstice is called summer solstice. In the Southern Hemisphere, the reverse is true. That’s why June solstice is preferred over summer solstice.

December Solstice = In the Northern Hemisphere, the December solstice is called winter solstice. In the Southern Hemisphere, the reverse is true. That’s why December solstice is preferred over winter solstice.

Sidereal period = a celestial body completes a “sidereal” period each time it aligns again with a given star.

Synodic period = a celestial body completes a “synodic” period each time it aligns again with the Sun.

Perihelion = closest transit point of Earth with respect to the Sun.

Aphelion = furthest transit point of Earth with respect to the Sun.

Perigee = closest transit point of the Moon with respect to Earth.

Apogee = furthest transit point of the Moon with respect to Earth.

Inferior conjunction = when a body (e.g. Venus) is aligned with the Sun while transiting closest to Earth.

Superior conjunction = when a body (e.g. Venus) is aligned with the Sun while transiting furthest from Earth.

Prograde = a celestial body is said to be “in prograde mode” when it moves in the same direction as the Sun.

Retrograde = a celestial body is said to be “in retrograde mode” when it moves in the opposed direction of the Sun.

Argument of periapsis (ω) = It is an orbital element used for determining the inclination to the Ecliptic. It is the angle (starting from the center of the orbit) between an orbiting body's periapsis and its ascending node. It is also known as the argument of perihelion or the argument of perifocus.

Longitude of Ascending node (Ω) = It is an orbital element used for determining the inclination to the Ecliptic. It is the angle from a specified reference direction, called the origin of longitude, to the direction of the ascending node.

Ascending node (Ω) = It is an orbital element used for determining the inclination to the Ecliptic. The ascending node is one of two places where an orbiting object passes through the reference plane, an imaginary flat surface which runs through the object being orbited around.