Modelling our universe from a Geo-heliocentric point of view
As mentioned in the preface, I researched the heliocentric model with all its precession movements, eccentricity cycles, obliquity changes, etc. quite extensively the last couple of years. Initially I just did it because I wanted to learn something. At the start of my journey I expected to find a very chaotic universe, with planets having unrelated movements, but which was completely describable in formula’s. We have the technology to land on moving comets (opens in a new tab) at a distance of 500 million kilometres away, so we must be knowing it all!
Along the way I realized however that is not the case. The 100% correct formula’s which I thought would exist are not there. There are too many margins to make them exact. There is additionally the Three-body problem (opens in a new tab).
Take for instance something as simple as the orbit period of Uranus (opens in a new tab) or Neptune (opens in a new tab). They are not set in stone (yet) and the numbers we now have gathered as science are not that detailed/ contradict each other if you dive in them. There are only rough estimates.
There are patterns everywhere!
In contrary to the missing exact formula’s, I could find however amazing patterns in our universe which I didn’t know existed at all. The most famous one being Venus making a pentagram around Earth.
”When plotted geocentrically – from an Earth-centered perspective – there is a highly noticeable rhythm in the motion of Venus. After eight years, it returns to the same place in our sky on about the same date. This is known as the eight-year cycle of Venus, and stems from the fact that 13 Venusian orbits (13 x 224.8 days) very nearly equals eight Earth years.”
Note already the numbers 5, 8 and 13 in the pattern. These are Fibonacci numbers. I will come back on them later.
There are a number of these clearly visible patterns which especially show up geo(helio)centrically, although we are -according to the heliocentric model - rushing through space never to return in the same spot again. That is quite strange.
So along the way I realized our universe is not that chaotic, as long as you look at it from a different angle. If you watch - for instance - this short clip which is fully based on data of the heliocentric model, there can't be any conclusion than to conclude we need to rethink our current model. There are patterns all over the place!
planetary patterns (opens in a new tab)
If you look at those patterns AND you combine it with all the anomalies as shared in the appendix, the only conclusion possible one could derive: The science about the true form of our universe is definitely not settled! We need to return to the basics of our cosmic knowledge and ask ourselves the questions: Could our understanding of the universe be wrong? Could it perhaps be Geo-heliocentric?
Look at the model from a Geo-heliocentric point of view
To be able to answer this question, let’s me first explain how this Geo-heliocentric model would look like.
Below you will see a picture I found on the internet (created by Britannica) that describes how Earth moves around our Sun in a one year period according to the heliocentric model.
- You see the perihelion/ aphelion dates so Earth is closer to the Sun around 3rd of January and furthest around 4th of July (measured/ calculated).
- You see the equinoxes and solstices dates (measured/ calculated)
- You see the orbit is elliptical causing Earth to move faster near perihelion then aphelion (theory/ NEVER MEASURED).
NOTE: Please be reminded we are rushing through space with a tremendous speed of 600 km/sec so the picture is presented as a flat disk, but that is not the case in the heliocentric model. These speeds also have never been measured. All is theory.
NOTE: And also be reminded the tilt of the Earth is NOT MOVING AT ALL in its 1 year round trip. It stays pointed to the North star Polaris. So when it is completely west in the picture (4rd of July) the axial tilt points to the location on 21st of June pointing at Polaris and e.g. also when it is on the location at March equinox, it remains tilted to the location on 21st of June pointing at Polaris. This tilt only moves slowly in time in the period which is popularly called "precession of the equinoxes”. I would call it Axial precession.
Now let’s look at the same picture, but then from a geo-heliocentric point of view.
NOTE: I will already explain the geo-heliocentric model with some new terms and numbers that are needed to better explain this type of model. The details will follow in the coming chapters.
I have modified above mentioned picture to show you how our Sun actually moves around Earth if we change the point of reference from the Sun to the Earth.
What is different in this second picture (the geo-heliocentric model) compared to the first picture (heliocentric model)?
- CENTER is at the center and close to it, is Earth.
- the HELION POINT is also close to Earth and orbits CENTER in an Counter Clock Wise orbit that takes 101,920 years.
- The Sun orbits the HELION POINT yearly and that is why the Sun is closer to Earth around 3rd of January and furthest around 4th of July. These dates shift across time.
- Earth orbits CENTER in Clock Wise direction but since this is an orbit that takes 23,520 years to complete and the orbit distance is relatively small, we hardly notice Earth is moving AND the tilt – currently pointing to the star Polaris - therefore stays more or less the same throughout the year. This small movement is causing the Axial precession (a.k.a. precession of the equinoxes).
- The orbit path of the Sun is circular (so not elliptical) and the Sun moves in an uniform speed around the HELION POINT, close to Earth.
- Because Earth is orbiting CENTER, and the HELION POINT is orbiting CENTER in opposite direction, the orbital eccentricity of the Sun-Earth changes in a period of 19,110 years.
The geo-heliocentric picture is a far better explanation then the heliocentric one for all observations we see around us. No need to rush through space anymore☺
A closer look at CENTER and the HELION POINT. Earth orbits CENTER Clock Wise in 23,520 years. The HELION POINT orbits CENTER Counter Clock Wise in 101,920 years. They meet each other every 19,110 years.
The orbits of how Earth moves around CENTER and the HELION POINT orbits around CENTER, but also all other bodies (moon, planets, etc) in our solar system, are connected to each other in a grand period of 305,760 years.
Dummy Universe Model
The universe seems to be running steady and stable. Unlike all current theoretical models which all end in chaos. Could our understanding of the universe be wrong? What if we look at our universe from a Geo-heliocentric point of view?
The main characteristics of this model are:
- The movements of Earth, Sun, Moon and all planets are connected to each other in a Great-Great-Year cycle of exactly 305,760 years with a mean solar year length of 365.242229199372 days a year which is exactly 111,676,464 days.
- The mean length of day is 86,399.6698378708 SI seconds/ day.
- Our Earth is not moving around the Sun, but the Sun is orbiting the HELION POINT close to Earth in a period of 1 year.
- Our Earth is (physically?) orbiting also around something close to Earth in a Clock Wise direction in a period of 23,520 years. Let’s call what we are orbiting: CENTER and it is at a distance of 408,451.25 km from Earth.
- The HELION POINT also has an orbit itself and is moving in opposite Counter Clock Wise direction around CENTER in an Inclination precession period of 101,920 years with a distance of 2,101,642.14 km from CENTER.
- Because our Earth orbits CENTER, the distance of Earth to HELION POINT and therefore our Sun, changes which shows as the eccentricity change.
- All major planets in our solar system –with exception of Earth – are still orbiting the Sun (just like in the heliocentric system) but have a barycenter just outside of the Sun.
- The location of these barycenters of the planets are structured according to the Golden Spiral pattern around the Sun and the planets are orbiting this barycenter according to Kepler’s 3rd law.
- All MEAN length of any type of day/year (solar, sidereal, etc.) can be calculated and can be linked to the MEAN length of precession cycles. They are all connected.
- The axial tilt of Earth has a major cycle of 38,220 years, is oscillating between 22.01785° and 24.56325° and has a mean value of 23.29055°.
- The inclination of Earth compared to the invariable plane of our solar system has a major cycle of 101,920 years, is oscillating between 0° and 2.5454°.
- Because the axial tilt moves in opposite direction to the inclination, the obliquity of Earth has a cycle of exactly 305,760 years, and is oscillating between 20.74515° and 25.83595° (so larger than the current theory).
- The cyclic movements of the inclination axis is the main driver of the temperature fluctuations and especially the occurrence of ice-ages in a pattern of ~three times 101,920 years which is the 305,760 years cycle.
- All movements we see around us are basically just because of two forces working against each other: Earth orbiting CENTER from east to west (Clock Wise) and the HELION POINT orbiting CENTER from west to east (Counter Clock Wise).
- The experienced duration of the Axial precession, Apsidal precession, etc, could differ from the mean duration of the Axial precession, Apsidal precession, etc. because the HELION POINT is moving in opposite direction to Earth’s movement around CENTER. This also has an impact of the length of Solar year, Sidereal year & Anomalistic year.
- The model is aligned with Chapront et al. (2002) & J. Laskar's Mean Obliquity Formula calculations
- The model is completely aligned with Perihelion precession calculations taken from Meeus, Jean. Astronomical Algorithms. 2nd Ed. Willmann-Bell. 1998 Table 31.A (see also: (opens in a new tab)) which results in solstice-perihelion alignment in the year 1246 AD just as calculated by J. Meeus.
- The model is aligned with Eccentricity calculations taken from: Eccentricity time series, Nautical Almanac, 1974, page 98 (or (opens in a new tab)).
- The model is aligned with Inclination predictions.
- The model is aligned with the mean duration of a solar year as defined in the revised Julian calendar presented by M. Milankovic (see (opens in a new tab)).
In contrary to the heliocentric model, all of the sun, planets and moons orbit at constant speeds around uniformly circular orbits in the geo-heliocentric model. In other words, there is no need for Kepler's variable orbital speeds (opens in a new tab) anymore.
Also the Johannes Kepler invented first law of elliptical orbits (opens in a new tab) are just an illusion caused by Earth's motion around CENTER. So since Earth slowly proceeds along an almost 'straight line', the Sun will appear to oscillate slightly back and forth; in the summer (of the Northern Hemisphere), the Sun will be moving in the opposite direction of Earth whereas, in the winter, it will move in the same direction as Earth. Thus, the illusion of 'elliptical orbits' is created.
Additionally the barycenters of the planets are structured according to the Golden Spiral pattern around the Sun and the planets are orbiting this barycenter according to Kepler’s 3rd law. This movement is causing the visible elliptical orbits of the planets. But also these elliptical orbits are fictional. They are in the same kind of way illusive as the epicycles we had in the former Ptolemaic model (opens in a new tab).
The Kepler elliptical orbits and variable speeds however work mathematically, just like the epicycles use to work in the past. See also epicycles (opens in a new tab) or Ptolemy’s model of the solar system (opens in a new tab).
Model based upon five core elements
While defining the movements in our solar system, there were a few moments of clarity that really blew my mind and confirmed my believe we are truly living in a geo-heliocentric universe. Although it is hard to show and transfer my exact feelings remotely on paper, I will still give it a try. My advice is to study them 1 by 1 and to really think deeply about them.
- The first realization, is the earth rotates exactly 1 time more than the number of days in a year. The reason of this EXACTLY ONE extra rotation is due to the coin rotation paradox. We know the length of a mean sidereal day and stellar day EXACTLY. We can therefore calculate year lengths based upon these numbers!
- The second realization, is the reason why ~8.37 ms per day difference between sidereal day and stellar day (which adds up to ~3.07 seconds per year) could end up in a ~1,224.5 seconds difference between sidereal year and solar year. We must be really orbiting something close to Earth which is causing these delays!
- The third realization, is the connection between the solar year and sidereal year. This is actually the same situation as the first realization only then on a larger timescale: There is exactly 1 sidereal year less than the number of solar years in a Great year (the Axial precession duration) due to the coin rotation paradox. So the sun orbits 23,520 times the HELION POINT in a Great Year of 23,519 mean sidereal years!
- The fourth realization, is the existence of the Fibonacci timescale connection between all currently known precession movements. There is only ONE Clock Wise and ONE Counter Clock Wise movement responsible for all precession movements we observe around us!
- The fifth realization, is the length of a solar year has a mean value in days (not seconds), but the length of a sidereal year is fixed in seconds causing the length of day to fluctuate and therefore the experienced precession to be different than the mean duration of those precession periods.
These five elements are at the core of the dummy universe model and I will go in further details on those 5 elements in the next chapters.
The model described in this book is according to the currently-accepted distances - as measured by Copernican / Keplerian astronomers - between the bodies comprised in our own solar system. This, because they have (correctly) been using as a baseline for their measurements the diameter of Earth of 12,756km (a well-established measurement). However, their determination of the Earth->stars distances is an entirely different matter. This, because they have (incorrectly) used as a baseline the supposed diameter of Earth's alleged orbit around the Sun - of ca. 300 million km. Since they are using as a baseline this non-existent "300 Mkm lateral six-month-displacement of Earth", all of their calculations of Earth-to-stars distances are systematically flawed (i.e. grossly inflated).
Overview picture
To close off this chapter, I have created an overview picture.
Now you have seen the basics of the dummy universe model, let’s have a closer look at these parameters in the next chapters.