The predictions of the Dummy Universe Model
Having a theory is one, showing it in a 3D model is two, making comprehensive calculations is three, but the actual proof of the pudding is making predictions about future values. Below a number of predictions that can be tested in time.
Obliquity prediction
In the current heliocentric theory the obliquity is 23.4392298806° in year 2000 AD and will decrease until year 11,800 AD with a minimum of ~22.1°see Wikipedia Milankovitch cycles (opens in a new tab) and see Wikipedia axial tilt (opens in a new tab).
My prediction is the obliquity will reach it’s minimum already around year 9,000 AD with a value around 22.9°. Then it will start rising again. The reason is the inclination cycle will increase it earlier in time.
Inclination prediction
In the current heliocentric theory the inclination is 1.578689° in year 2000 AD and will increase to a maximum of ~2.5° by year ~25,000 AD. See this graph (opens in a new tab) coming from this paper (opens in a new tab) for more details.
My prediction is the inclination will increase to its maximum of 2.5454° in year 23,541 AD. Then it will start decreasing again. So it is more or less around the same time, with the same inclination.
The actual mean duration of inclination precession is 101,920 years which is showing on climate graphs (the 100k driver).
Orbital Eccentricity prediction
In the current heliocentric theory the eccentricity is 1.67089° in year 2000 AD and will decrease to ~0 by year ~27,000 AD. See e.g. the graph on the Wikipedia page (opens in a new tab).
My prediction is the eccentricity will decrease to its minimum of ~1.131829° already in year ~10,801 AD. Then it will start increasing again.
Analemma prediction
The Analemma (opens in a new tab) is related to the Equation of time, causing length differences of a day throughout the year. It’s current shape is the result of three attributes: the perihelion/aphelion points, the eccentricity and the obliquity. In year 2000 AD 21 June 12:00 UTC the dates of perihelion were around 2nd of January 23:05 UTC (closest to Earth) and aphelion around 4th of July 08:11 UTC (Furthest from Earth) AND Eccentricity 1.67089 AND obliquity 23.4392298806°.
NOTE: The Sun is moving around Earth in uniform speed, so not slowing down and speeding up. The effect of the Analemma has nothing to do with speed differences.
My prediction is the Analemma will move forward in time in the same timeframe as the perihelion precession. This will result in the Anemella-famous-8-figure to be more equally divided. Because the eccentricity in the dummy universe model also follows the perihelion precession the effect on the WIDE of the Analemma is a repeating cycle. However because the obliquity is fluctuating between 20.74° and 25.84° in the 305,760 years period, this has an effect on the LENGTH of the Analemma in a specific 19,110 year cycle.
NOTE: This explanation about the Analemma (opens in a new tab) helped me to understand it. He however shows some strange forms of the Analemma that will never take place. The shape will move forward and backward in the shapes as shown above.
The Sun highest in sky prediction
The Sun highest in the sky on the Northern hemisphere on 21st of June is at RA 06:00. This has been the case since ~1,000 BC and is more or less stable so far.
My prediction is the sun highest in the sky will slowing decrease in time. At one moment in time it will start to become visible for scientists and by ~6,000 AD to Sun highest in the sky on the Northern hemisphere on 21st of June will already be at ~5h58m instead of 6h00m00s.
The reason is the Axial and Inclination tilt difference will have an impact on the RA value of solstices in a 38,220 year cycle.
I could not find any reference about this prediction of changing RA values in the heliocentric model. This is really a clear indicator for the correctness of the geo-heliocentric model.
This might be also help further refinement of the ICRF coordinate systems.
Earth is drifting away from the Sun prediction
The Earth is drifting away from the Sun by 15 cm per year See article (opens in a new tab). Which means the definition of the AU needs to be redefined at one moment in time.
Additionally it does not only concern our Earth but also all the planets See article (opens in a new tab). The article reads the perihelion was 1.5 cm further away than the year before. The explanation provided can be very complex.
some more background on the validation of these numbers (opens in a new tab)
My prediction is the distance from average distance from Earth to Sun will increase until ~3500 AD and then start decreasing again. It will follow the same pattern as the length of the sidereal year in seconds.
The difference between the minimum value around year 1100 BC of 149,597,861.7 km and the max value around year 3600 AD of 149,597,873.9 km is however only 12 km.
Gregorian calendar prediction
Currently the Gregorian calendar is aligned on the March Equinox date of 21st of March. Since the current length of solar year (~365.24219) is not the same as the Gregorian value of 365.2524, this alignment will change which will have an impact on the equinoxes and solstices dates.
My prediction is the Gregorian calendar will fall behind. In year 6023 the December solstice will be on 19th of December. After year 6,023 AD the year length will be above the MEAN value of a solar year of 365.242229199372 days/year but still below the Gregorian value, so by the year 10,801 AD December solstice will be on 18th of December. 3 days earlier than today’s value.
The longitude of perihelion prediction
My prediction
The length of a solar day prediction
My prediction
The length of a Sidereal day prediction
My prediction is the length of a Sidereal day will be increasing in time until 4431 AD. I have created an overview what will happen with the length of a sidereal day and true sidereal day.
This means Earth rotation period will be further slowing down (longer days).
Earth’s Rotation / Length of Day (LOD) / ΔT cycles prediction
The rotation of the Earth (which is the sidereal day) itself is irregular and is in general experienced to be slowing down, with respect to more stable time indicators: specifically, the motion of planets, and atomic clocks. Since the era of the observations, the rotation of the Earth has slowed down and the mean solar second has grown somewhat longer than the SI second (the slowing down is not a linear so might differ per year but the trend is the rotation to slow down). As a result, the time scales of Terrestrial time (Time measured against the fixed stars) and UT1 (Time measured as Earth rotation) build up a growing difference: the amount that TT is ahead of UT1 is known as ΔT, or Delta T (opens in a new tab). As of 5 July 2022, TT is ahead of UT1 by 69.28 seconds.
My prediction is the slowing down of the rotation of Earth will continue till 4431 AD, and until ~6000 AD be above the value of 86,400 SI seconds a day, and therefore the increase in Delta T will continue till it reaches this max value in ~6000 AD. This will most probably not be linear, but go with ups and downs.
We will need many more leap seconds to be added if we want the length of day to keep up with 86,400 SI seconds a day for the coming 4000 years.
The length of a solar year in days prediction
My prediction
The length of a sidereal year in seconds prediction
My prediction
The experienced perihelion and axial precession prediction
My prediction is the duration of the apsidal year and solar year will decrease in time and therefore the duration if the apsidal precession (in case of apsidal year decrease) and axial precession (in case of solar year decrease) seems to increase till year ~4,700 AD. See chapter 6 Delta T graphs for further explanation.
But if we stick to 86400 seconds a day, the duration will not move that much
The actual mean duration of apsidal precession is 19,110 years and axial precession is 23,520 years, but could be experienced different because the Longitude of perihelion is not moving in a straight line but with ups and downs.
The length of all other precession movements
My prediction
Temperature prediction
For long term temperature patterns, it is best to look at what happened 305,760 years ago. But that will not give a complete picture. Earth’s climate might also be impacted by Sun cycles, volcano eruptions, meteor impacts, fires, environmental impact humans, etc.
My prediction is the Earth’s rotation will be further slowing down resulting in longer solar days, resulting in stronger melting periods, so the warmer period will continue. This will be shown to be main driver for climate on Earth. These cycles are however not straight forward. It goes with ups and downs. The trend is however Earth getting warmer/ staying warm until ~4431 AD.
Around year 4431 AD the perihelion will seem to move slowest, so the length of day is the longest. After that the LOD starts decreasing again, we will be slowly moving into a much longer and fearful ice age.
We live in unprecedented times nowadays but the warm period will end. We should be more worried about the winter that is definitely ahead of us.
Someone will locate the CENTER
My prediction is CENTER will be discovered around the location as specified in chapter 12 by some astronomer in some kind of form (either gravitational or physical).
When this happens, it will be ground breaking because our whole model of the universe needs to be revised.
If the CENTER is really physical, in year 3157 AD it will become visible
The CENTER is located at the MEAN obliquity of 23.29055°, In year 3157 the Sun will reach this point. If the CENTER is physical, the CENTER will definitely have some kind of visible effect.
As can be seen a lot of conclusions can be made in this model, but on a lifetime span it will be hard to proof the DUS-model.
The only real way to proof this geo-heliocentric model during my life is if someone will discover CENTER. For all other predictions, only time will tell...